How are you feeling? We know that’s a loaded question these days, but honestly — has the coronavirus disrupted your routine or skyrocketed your anxiety level? Take heart, because you’re not alone! So many of us are in exactly the same boat. Since most of us have never experienced a pandemic like this before, it’s hard to know how to react.
In the hopes of helping you stay calm and carry on, we’ve compiled the answers to some of your most frequently asked questions about COVID-19, along with wellness tips for staying mentally strong.
How does COVID-19 spread?
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) explains that the virus is thought to spread from person-to-person between people who are less than 6 feet apart, and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. You can also contract the virus by touching an infected surface and then touching your nose, mouth or eyes with the same hand. This is why it is extremely important to not touch your face.
How can I prevent the spread of coronavirus?
The CDC recommends:
- Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
- Using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. But if you don’t have access to hand sanitizer because it’s sold out, don’t panic. Washing your hands with old fashioned soap and water and lathering up for 20 seconds or longer is still the most effective way to reduce your risk for infection!
- Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
- Putting distance between yourself and other people. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.
- Staying home if you’re sick.
- Covering coughs and sneezes.
- Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily, such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, computer mouses and keyboards, your phone, toilets, faucets, the microwave buttons and refrigerator door handles.
How can I practice social distancing without feeling lonely?
If you’re practicing social distancing or working remotely, it’s all too easy to start feeling isolated and depressed. Be sure to:
Stay connected
Give yourself permission to take time out of every day to stay connected with friends, colleagues and family. Sharing cute pet photos and interesting articles is a fun way to keep in touch and check in with your network.
Limit news
If you’re prone to anxiety and are having trouble focusing on normal activities, particularly when social media and the news are steady reminders of the pandemic, try limiting your exposure to these platforms!
Stay moving
And don’t forget your exercise routine! Stay active by getting outside, practicing yoga or even simple stretching to get your blood flowing. Just be sure to do whatever works best for you so you can remain balanced.
Adopt a team mentality
Last, but certainly not least— we are in this together. You are not alone! And if we work together, we can help keep ourselves and our neighbors healthy and safe!
Here at Chesapeake Vein Center and Medspa, please be aware that we are strictly following all wellness protocols, including disinfecting all surfaces and treatment rooms between visits and screening patients before their appointments. If you have an upcoming appointment and you are not feeling well, please call us at (757) 819-7633 and we’ll be happy to help you reschedule free of charge. Also feel welcome to give us a call if you have any questions or concerns!
Wishing you a happy and healthy spring!