Botox® and dermal fillers are popular for a reason. These FDA-approved injectables are safe, clinically-proven anti-aging treatments that provide dramatic, often immediate results with minimal downtime. With any cosmetic treatment, however, there are things YOU can do to get the best results from your treatment.
Here are a few of our essential Botox and dermal filler DO’S:
With any cosmetic treatment, especially injectables, it’s easy to lose perspective and think you need more and more of something when, in fact, you look fabulous! The only accurate way to measure your progress and maintain a healthy perspective is to remember where you started. You can do this by taking before and after pictures on your phone.
Any substance that thins your blood can lead to increased bleeding and bruising at the injection sites, and who wants that? Reduce your risk of bruising by cutting out alcohol at least a few days before and after your session. Other blood thinners to avoid include green tea and the 4 G’s: ginkgo, garlic, ginger, and ginseng.
Doctors have identified a correlation between zinc intake and how long Botox injections hold their effect. People who boosted their zinc intake, whether through diet or a supplement, in the week leading up to their treatment, saw improvement in the length of time that their Botox treatment lasted. “Taking a dietary supplement of organic zinc and the enzyme phytase four days before receiving botulinium toxin injections made the toxin more effective in 93 percent of patients tested in a [2010] study at The Methodist Hospital in Houston,” according to an article by Methodist Hospital System.
Ensure your best possible results by seeking treatment with only the most highly-qualified, trained, and experienced injectors. We have gone through intensive, specialized training and have a thorough understanding of facial structure to perform safe and effective injectable treatments with minimal side effects. We can provide valuable insight and guidance into which injectables or combination of products is best for you.
At Chesapeake Vein Center and MedSpa, we’re committed to providing you the best in every service we offer. Please call 757.663.5461 or request your FREE consultation today!