Relief from Varicose Veins Is Possible! Chesapeake, VA
Varicose veins are typically swollen or gnarled veins produced by a condition called venous insufficiency, or venus reflux, which is when blood circulating through the lower limbs does not properly return to the heart, but instead pools up in the distended veins. Symptoms often experienced from varicose veins include pain and fatigue in the legs, swollen ankles and calves, burning or itching skin, skin discoloration and leg ulcers. Without treatment, varicose veins never go away and frequently progress and worsen over time. So how can you get rid of varicose veins? Great question! Here’s how we identify and treat your varicose veins to help you rediscover clear, smooth skin and total relief from the pain and other symptoms of this condition:
Varicose veins are a common but painful concern, most often found in the legs, ankles and feet. Did you know that an estimated 72% of American women and 42% of American men will experience symptoms of varicose veins by the time they reach their sixties? Here at Chesapeake Vein Center & MedSpa, we want to assure you that varicose veins are extremely treatable — you don’t have to just suffer with them! We want to share with you some information about varicose veins and the treatment options we offer here in Chesapeake.