Did you put on your sunblock this morning before leaving your house?
If not, it’s time to rethink your idea of wellness! Sunscreen application is the most important action you can take to maintain the health and beauty of your skin. In honor of Skin Cancer Awareness Month, here’s a look at 3 amazing reasons to make SPF an integral part of your daily routine:
It reduces your risk of skin cancer.
You’ve heard it countless times since you were a kid, but we’ll tell you again for good measure: diligent sunscreen use dramatically reduces your risk of skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in the United States. Many people still flock to the beaches in search of a “natural” glow. There’s a dangerous myth circulating that tanning is healthy, and it’s the burning that causes cancer. The reality is that any sun exposure—whether it’s a tan or burn—is a sign of sun damage that not only increases your cancer risk, but also ages your skin before its time.
It slows down the “aging” process.
It is estimated that more than 80 percent of the common signs of aging, from wrinkles to age spots, are the result of sun exposure—not time! This means that you have more control than you think when it comes to the appearance and aging process of your skin. If you want to age beautifully, it’s time to start slathering on daily SPF, rain or shine, to keep your skin at its luminous best.
It makes your skin look better.
A fascinating study followed people who were asked to apply sunscreen daily for a full year. What they discovered was that daily SPF users not only showed no further signs of aging, but also saw actual improvements to the appearance of their skin, including fewer lines and more even skin tone. Doesn’t this make you want to put on SPF?
We hope you’ll add sunscreen to your beauty regimen today and every day. That’s why this month, we’re offering 20 percent off sunscreens. Call 757.663.5461 or click here to schedule your skin care consultation, or stop in to save on sunscreen today.