Over the years our skin takes a beating. Scars, acne, even simple signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles can cause our faces to appear dull and worn out. However, at Chesapeake Vein Center and MedSpa a solution exists!
Laser skin resurfacing in Chesapeake can greatly reduce the severity of signs of sun damage and can help restore a vibrant, youthful look to your face. And now Dr. Surya Challa and his experienced staff are proud to be one of the only medical spas in Virginia to offer the innovative Halo® fractional laser, the latest development in skin resurfacing technology.
Dr. Challa believes that each patient is unique, and therefore each treatment experience should be tailored to fit each patient’s varying needs and goals. This mentality of personalization is exemplified by the Halo fractional laser, which utilizes dynamic thermal optimization to monitor the temperature of the skin and automatically modify the laser treatment in order to maximize results for each individual patient.
Skin resurfacing with Halo fractional laser in Chesapeake, Virginia is a quick and relatively painless procedure performed in the comfort of our office.
Schedule your consultation by calling 757-663-5461 for Halo fractional laser skin resurfacing in Chesapeake, Virginia at Chesapeake Vein Center and MedSpa today to learn more!