Can you guess? Drum roll, please…
It’s sunscreen!
Now that summer is in full swing and you’re outdoors more often, it’s time to remember that sunscreen doesn’t just reduce your risk of skin cancer, it’s also your most powerful beauty weapon. EVER.
For the sun damage of yesteryear (remember the days when you laid out on tinfoil slathered in baby oil?), we offer advanced laser skin treatments, which remove sun damaged skin and spur healthy new collagen for a renewed complexion—literally!
Our medical spa offers state-of-the-art laser skin rejuvenation with the following treatments:
BBL™ Photofacial
A non-invasive intense pulsed light treatment which is fabulous at diminishing pigmentation irregularities, from sun spots to redness and melasma.
A light weekend peel that removes the outermost layer of skin for textural and tonal improvements with a day or two of pinkness and peeling.
Halo™ and ProFractional™ Laser Skin Resurfacing
Our two most intense laser skin resurfacing treatments offer smoother, brighter, younger-looking skin with a bevy of other complexion improvements. Since laser treatments and the sun do NOT mix, be sure to schedule your treatment at a time when you have no color from the sun, and you’ll also be able to stay out of the sun easily. A nice way to think about it is that these skin renewing treatments are a well-deserved break for you to lay low and enjoy some serious YOU time.
We can help you find the ideal treatment to meet your needs and your downtime preferences.
To learn more about reversing sun damaged skin, please call 757.663.5461 or request a consultation online today!