There’s a reason why Botox® keeps ranking #1 as the most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedure for both men and women. There are 3 reasons, actually!
1. For starters, it works!
Botox temporarily inhibits the muscle activity underlying lines and wrinkles on the forehead, between the brows, and along the sides of the eyes (crow’s feet). For up to 4 months per treatment, this extensively-studied anti-aging treatment produces a dramatic reduction in targeted wrinkles, taking years off your appearance.
2. It’s fast.
This minimally-invasive treatment often takes only minutes out of your busy day to dramatically refresh your appearance, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. Many of our clients pencil in a Botox session on their lunch break, which is the perfect segway to reason #3—minimal to no side effects.
3. It’s easy peasy.
There’s little to no downtime with Botox, making it an ideal treatment for anyone interested in on-the-go rejuvenation. The most common side effects for any injectable treatment include swelling and bruising. We work carefully to reduce side effects, using a gentle and precise injection technique to avoid bruising. We also apply ice post-treatment to curb swelling.
If you’re interested in discovering the benefits of Botox for yourself, call us at 757.663.5461 or click here to schedule your consultation.