You know those little red veins around your nose or on your cheeks? Did you know that they are officially called telangiectasia? This common condition occurs when tiny blood vessels cause threadlike lines or patterns on the skin. These patterns, or telangiectases, often form in clusters, and they can also be called spider veins because of their fine and weblike appearance.
Now that you know a little more about those broken capillaries on your face or legs, let’s talk about clearing them up so you can enjoy healthier-looking, more evenly-toned skin!
Laser vein treatments — 10% OFF this month!
YAG 1064 Laser
Many spider veins respond beautifully to the YAG 1064 laser. This non-invasive laser targets heat directly to your concerned veins, causing them to collapse and fade from view.
Small veins can also be cleared up with an intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment called BBL (which stands for broadband light). No matter what you call it, the important point to remember is that BBL targets your concerned veins with intense pulses of light, causing the tiny veins to collapse.
Both types of vein treatments reveal optimal results after a series of treatments. We can help you determine the ideal regimen for your specific vein concerns during your personal consultation.
Sclerotherapy — Also 10% OFF this month!
Larger spider veins may need a slightly more invasive treatment called sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy injects your concerned veins with a sclerosant, causing those veins to collapse and gradually fade from view. During your personal consultation, we will carefully examine your veins and determine whether sclerotherapy or a laser vein treatment is best for you.
Keep in mind that you may need a series of sclerotherapy sessions to achieve your desired goal.
For all your vein concerns, you can trust Dr. Surya Challa, a board-certified vein specialist, vein doctor and vein surgeon who can’t wait to help you achieve clear, healthy skin for the long-term! Please call 757-819-7633 or request a consultation online today!